Papers, 1784-2001 and n.d. ; (bulk 1830-1889).


Papers, 1784-2001 and n.d. ; (bulk 1830-1889).

Correspondence, legal papers, bills and receipts (4854 items; dated 1784-1996 and n.d.), principally concerning the administration of numerous estates. Includes contracts for hiring slaves, deeds for the sale of slaves, land deeds, several wills, and marriage licenses, lists of commodity prices, and price lists published by commission merchants in New York, 1883 and 1886. Family corresondence consists of letters from Clifton's sons, H.J. and F.A., while serving in the Confederate Army in South Carolina and Virginia. They describe the battle of Fort Sumter, officers' pay and costs of supplies, fortifications at Georgetown and Wilmington, a retreat from Fredericksburg to Richmond, and the siege of Charleston. Miscellaneous items include an ordination certificate of John L. Clifton in the Free Will Baptist Church, 1835; powers of attorney, and papers concerning a lawsuit in which Clifton was a party. Other items include materials concerning the Clifton family of Sampson Co., N.C. and related families: the Edgertons, Evans, and Lavenders (Vinders). There are photocopies of wills and other documents concerning 17th century Barbados families. One series contains correspondence concerning the death of Seargent Clifton F. Edgerton, and the posthumous awarding of the Purple Heart and Bronze Star medals for his bravery in WWII battles in Belgium and Germany. There are also letters and other items concerning his experiences while serving in th 87th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, U.S. Army, including memorial publications associated with his battalion, known as "Jeopard." Genealogical documents are of the history of the T.A. Snell, King, and Giddens families from Tenn., chiefly living in Maury, Rutherford, and Williamson Counties. Majority are photocopies from published histories. Addition (01-241)(4 items, 1 lin. ft.; dated 1968-2001) contains materials kept by Ruth Edgerton Long, sister of Sergeant Clifton F. Edgerton, largely related to the Jeopard Battalion and providing examples of the commemorative activities of World War II veterans. Includes binders of Jeopard association newsletters and addenda (January 2000-Fall 2001) along with correspondence to Long from association members; a brochure for the the dedication of a memorial to the battalion in 1997; and an album kept by Long, entitled "Some Remembered Words."

4,858 items.

Related Entities

There are 15 Entities related to this resource.

United States. Army. Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 87th (corporateBody)

Clifton, F. A. (person)

Clifton family. (family)

Edgerton, Clifton F. (person)

Evans family. (family)

Egerton family. (family)

Lavender family. (family)

King family. (family)

Long, Ruth Edgerton. (person)

Baptist State Convention of North Carolina (corporateBody)

Clifton, John L. (person)

Businessman, clergyman, and possibly attorney; from Clinton (Sampson County) and Faison (Duplin County), N.C. From the description of Papers, 1784-2001 and n.d. ; (bulk 1830-1889). (Duke University Library). WorldCat record id: 122373949 ...

Clifton, H. J. (person)

Snell family. (family)

Giddens family. (family)

Confederate states of America. Army (corporateBody)

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